I needed a couple days off just to be old and lazy. So my weekend went pretty much as planned. My son competed with the team from CrossFit Hilton Head at the Garage Games ONE this weekend. They were awesome, had their beast mode on, and brought home smiles and some ribbons. Good job CrossFit Hilton Head and the WOD Fathers.

I managed to write this weekend and even more importantly and much less fun, I managed to edit this weekend. That’s a horrible job, but I did it anyway. I also crocheted and behaved just like a grandmother is supposed to behave. Then, I looked at the WOD for today and thought I must be missing something because it totally looked like I could do it. Not well, but this was something I could Rx.

It was freezing cold this morning. I mean that literally. It was 30⁰ out there. Since we are a non-heated box, it was probably the same inside the building. I worried about too many people there for the rowing machines, but only the girls showed up. Sabre, Candace, and I were ready and willing to do anything to warm up.

We did ten mat sprints thereby avoiding going outside. Then ten air squats, lunge down the mat, ten pushups, ten sit-ups, and dislocates and passthroughs. It was so cold my heart monitor wouldn’t work. I turned it on and wasn’t even moving it said I was at 180. I turned it off and back on and it was still 180. I turned it off. When I started to get winded, I turned it on. Then I had a heart rate of 29. I turned it off. I turned it back on and it finally gave me what I felt was an accurate rate. It was just too cold to work. It needs me to be warmed up before it will work properly.

The WOD as written:
20 minutes to establish a 1 rep max Back Squat
2000 meter Row for Time
Extra Credit:
Straight-leg Deadlifts
3 sets of 5 reps
-choose a weight that is heavy, but maintain perfect form

Since my back squat was so awful last week, I practiced just squatting in front of a pole. I can’t do them in front of a wall to perfect my form because that really makes me nauseous. But the pole wasn’t so bad. Then I did several with just the bar and Christine said I was doing much better. I finally added 2.5# to each side and still managed to keep my chest up. I switched to 5# on each side and still could stay upright. So I added them both and managed one more but I felt like I might be falling forward again. However, the time was up and we had more fun ahead.

We started on the rowers and I noticed we were every other machine trying to stay out of the wind of the machine which is such a blessing in the summer. I hate seeing the number climb so slowly, so I kept my eyes closed for most of the row and just kept rowing and rowing and rowing for … well, less than 1.5 miles but it seemed like I had rowed across the Great Lakes or something. I gained a new respect for ancient mariners who had to row around the Mediterranean Sea. I would peek at the numbers every once in a while and they were slowly creeping up but not very fast. My heart rate was beeping for at least half of the time.

In a result that should surprise no one, I was the last one done. It took me 11.29 to row two kilometers. However, I rowed two kilometers and therefore Rx’d the damn thing. First time ever for that.

None of us were interested in being over achievers and therefore no one tried the extra credit. We took our popsicle feet and freezing fingers and went home.
